Well, I have discovered yet another guilty online pleasure! I didn't know just how much more I could handle in the cyber world until I stumbled upon somthing easy, yet addicting! So, join me on Twitter (user: cardinmckinney) , won't you? :) You can read up on what I'm up to every few hours of the day if you want! I tend to get the itch to write a blog when something springs up in the day, but then I'll think it's too small to dedicate an entire blog to, so I opt out. Now with Twitter, I'll post my little thoughts as they come. Me likey. :)
So, I'm Twittering, packing and a bit "twitterpated" (thank you, Disney.) about my Christmas vacation in snowy Wyoming with my honey and his lovely family. :) I hope you're ready for the holidays, too! I'm SO excited!!
First, however, is the stop in Arizona for The American Cancer Society Benefit Concert! I'm so excited.
Here we go!!
Love, C.
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