I'm not a princess, this aint a fairy
Once upon a time, I was a girl who had just found out her boyfriend was dating another girl at the same exact time that he was dating me. I locked myself in the bathroom. I doubled over crying and weeping against the bathroom door. It could only hold me up for so long. I finally slid down it's slick front until I hit the cold floor beneath me. I sat in that same crumpled position, cursing
through my tears, hyperventilating with my head in hands.. losing control of my body and thoughts..
Don't worry. Although this similar event has unfortunately happened to me in the past, this was only an audition for a part in the new Taylor Swift video, "White Horse". An audition that I literally picked myself up off of the floor from, and
walked out with a new found respect for myself and my work as an artist ( musically or theatrically).
Last night, I received a call from my agent. He was thrilled!
"Cardin! Listen. You got the gig. They are 99.9% sure.. just tying up some loose ends and we'll have the green light. Trey loved you. They couldn't stop talking about how impressed they were with you. This video is going to be huge!! It'll cro
ssover. Pop, country. Whatever. It's huge."
I was so excited about the news! I was in the Hendersonville Wal-Mart parking lot and leapt into Matthew's arms. We partied down the aisles inside. I'm a pretty big Taylor fan myself and was ecstatic to work with her!
This morning, I got a pretty unfortunate phone call. Apparently, working as a "video girl" in Nashville is a little more complicated than one would think. I was the lead in Jimmy
Wayne's "Do You Believe Me Now?" video about a year ago, which in this case (and actually one other case before
this) is "the big bad wolf" to any one hoping for yet another lead role in a video for the same record label. To sum it all up, Jimmy's label is essentially the same as Taylor's and I was un-cast for "White Horse". The record label forced the director, Trey Fanjoy, to go with the second choice.
Pretty unfortunate, right? What a great role I missed out on. May or may not have cried a little. Great song. Great opportunity. I know the video will be killer.. but maybe a little hard to watch now. :) I wish everyone involved the best of luck. I'm bummed. But what do you do? You just get off the cold bathroom floor, hold on to the respect you first
had for yourself... get on your own White Horse.. ride off into the sunset.. and see what tomorrow brings.
Once again. As Queeny says. "Ya neva know what's comin' fuh ya'"

6 people are buzzing.:
I was about to say "congrats" on getting the part...Don't you just hate industry politics? You should celebrate just because of the initial offer!
I'm sure there are great things coming your way. Here's a variation of my favorite quote: "It's not who you know that's important, it's who knows what you're capable of that counts." Keep your head up, this is just another door opening step towards a bright future.
FYI: Matthew's beard pictures were hilarious!
I didn't know you blogged on here! Love blogspot.
You are so beautiful and talented, it's their loss for you to not be in the video.
I love Queeny. I wish she was my neighbor. We would hang all day.
BLAST! Sorry to hear the bad news, girl. Let's hang and I'll try to cheer you up. Ice cream?
sorry to hear about the video...sucks when that happens doesn't it? hope life is treating you well.
I love your passion and your determination! An even GREATER opportunity lies ahead for you, Cardin! BELIEVE!
Jace Carlton
That stinks, Cardin! I mean, you shouldn't be punished for being so awesome that you've already been the lead in one music video!! You deserve more!! but at least you know that they loved you and really wanted you! I'm looking forward to seeing more great things from you!
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