Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all had an awesome holiday!! I had a very Merry Christmas with family and friends in Wyoming and feel so blessed to have had such a great week. Be safe and see you in 2009!!

1 people are buzzing.:

Brittany said...

Well hello there, Sunny - I mean, Cardin! It's Brittany (Prater) Olson...

So, I was watching CMT a few months back and saw your Jimmy Wayne video, freaked out, rewinded and played it over and over making sure I saw what I thought I saw. CONGRATS, I am so happy for you. My hubby asked why I was freaking out and I said, "Well remember the girl who sang the National Anthem when you came to my basketball game in high school, that you thought was amazing? Well, THAT IS HER!" Then, he freaked too!

I am so glad that things are going so well for you!