May I recommend a book to you that might very well change your life, or at least your relationships? "The Five Love Languages" is amazing. While I do believe in life-long commitment, it is natural to look around at healthy, happy marriages and think, "What's the secret?" We all want to know how to make it last, how to be better individuals and how to understand our sweethearts.
I personally feel that there must be more to your game plan than just speaking the right "Love Language" to your significant other for a happily ever after, such as compatibility, selflessness and equal emotional/mental/spiritual maturity. I will agree, however, that there is something beautiful about such an impactful way to communicate, as Dr. Chapman unveils. I believe his book can enrich any relationship and I highly recommend this read to anyone and everyone. Most of all, it is healthiest to understand your own emotions and thought processes, and this might just shed the little bit of light you've been looking for.
1 people are buzzing.:
I've totally read this ;) I can't remember my love language but I know it was right on, I liked the book too!
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